Personal Service Challenge

Personal Service Challenge

Metro is challenging our members to participate in our monthly personal service challenge. This personal service challenge is a deliberate effort to carry out acts that assist others by volunteering or performing community service. These tasks may include committing to a set number of volunteer hours each week or each month or taking on a particular project to assist a specific group or organization. The objective is to advance personally and in a way that benefits the community. We can participate individually or with a group of friends.

7 benefits of our service challenge are the following:

  • Greater personal development and self-awareness
  • A feeling of satisfaction and achievement
  • Opportunities to acquire new knowledge and experiences
  • Enhancing interpersonal connections
  • A sense of fulfillment and purpose
  • Positively influencing the community
  • Greater awareness of societal problems and ways to help with solutions.

Share your testimony of how the personal service challenge has benefited you here.